The motivation to change centered on the need to modernize the development process, given that the design tool was facing end-of-life. 鉴于那种设计工具已经走向尽头,所以变化的动机集中在使开发过程现代化的需要上面。
You'll also learn how to use the Design tool to define filters and interaction sets. 您还将了解如何使用Design工具来定义筛选器和交互集。
De-normalization is no longer a dirty word; instead, it is a design tool that you will apply in many aspects of your App Engine for Java applications. 反规范化不再是一个忌讳的字眼,相反,它是一个设计工具,您可以把它应用在AppEngineforJava应用程序的许多方面。
Note: Since the Design Data tool and the Design tool use the same file, it's a good practice to close one tool before opening the other. 注意:由于DesignData工具和Design工具使用同一个文件,因此最好在关闭一个工具之后再打开另一个工具。
The key components for the Design tool are Design工具的主要组件包括
Note: Make sure you save the Design Data definitions and close Design Data before you open the Design tool to define the business logic. 注意:在打开Design工具定义业务逻辑之前,确保保存DesignData定义并关闭DesignData。
Antlr: Antlr is a powerful language design tool, giving you the ability to create new parsers and lexers for custom languages. Antlr:Antlr是一种强大的语言设计工具,能让您为自定义语言创建新的解析器和词汇分析器。
The definitions from the Design tool, the touchpoints with their events and actions, and the intermediate objects can be viewed but not modified. Design工具中的定义、带有事件和操作的接触点以及中间对象可供查看,但不能修改。
Next, you'll use the Business Events Design tool to retrieve the definitions created in the previous steps and use them to define the business logic. 下一步,您将使用BusinessEventsDesign工具检索在前面的步骤中创建的定义,并将其用于定义业务逻辑。
Save the project and exit the Design tool. 保存项目并退出Design工具。
The project store is the area where you save projects so the design tool can find them. 项目存储是保存项目的区域,可以使用设计工具找到。
Rational Data Architect is a data modeling and integration design tool designed to help data architects understand information assets, map assets to each other, and create integration schemas. RationalDataArchitect是一种数据建模和集成设计工具,可以帮助数据架构师理解信息资产,建立资产之间的映射,以及创建集成模式。
TFP is a useful practice, whether or not you use it as a design tool. TFP是实用的实践,不论您是否将TFP作为设计工具来使用。
IBM Rational Software Modeler is a robust, UML2.0-based visual modeling and design tool. IBMRational软件建模器是一个功能强大的、基于UML2.0的可视化建模和设计工具。
Disparity between semiconductor technology and design tool capabilities, as well as issues caused by scaling only makes this goal more challenging. 半导体技术和设计工具的能力之间的矛盾,以及产品小型化所造成的问题都使得这一目标更加具挑战性。
You probably know that frontpage is a web site design tool. 您可能知道frontpage是一个网站设计工具。
By implementing the CAE method, it assists us to understand the appropriate placement, predict the cycle time requirement for cooling and to act as the conformal cooling design tool. 藉由CAE模拟分析的方式可以帮助了解适当的水路摆放位置与预测冷却周期所需的时间,并可以做为设计异型水路的评估工具。
In recent years, as a new design tool, virtual prototyping technology is increasingly used in engineering design and mechanical properties of the system. 近年来,虚拟样机技术作为一种新兴的设计手段,被越来越多地应用于工程设计和机械系统性能研究。
A newly generated view will be added to the csproj file for the design tool so that designers can start adding content to it. 一个新建立的视图将被添加到csproj文件中,这时候设计器就可以往里添加内容了。
A time-saving design tool on the company's Web site helps security professionals configure and customize the power controllers to meet their specific requirements. 该公司网站的省时设计工具有助于安全专业人员按照具体要求配置和定制电源控制器。
However, personas and the methods by which they are created and employed as a design tool differ significantly from these in several key aspects. 不过,作为设计工具,人物角色及创造并使用人物角色的这些方法,在几个关键的方面和上面提到的这几种用户模型有着显著的区别。
Scenarios: Narrative as a Design Tool 场景剧本:作为设计工具的叙述
The ultimate test was to create a 'composite' HTML page out of multiple ERb templates and then to export that page to a third-party web design tool such as Dreamweaver. 最终的目标是建立一个由多个ERb模板复合而成的HTML页面,然后将这个页面导出给第三方的web设计工具,比如Dreamweaver。
Although focus groups may appear to provide the requisite user contact, the method is in many ways not appropriate as a design tool. 虽然焦点小组看起来能够提供必需的用户接触,但这种方法在很多方面不适合作为设计工具。
Pen-based software design tool based on scenario-based method 基于场景方法的笔式界面软件设计工具
But portability of people, allowing us to move our skills from one process design tool to another, is also important. 但是人的移植性允许我们把技能从一种过程设计工具转移到另一种工具的能力也很重要。
The main design tool described the transformation of mechanical transmission. 总体设计中主要阐述了机床机械传动系统的改造。
BASIX, Building Sustainability Index, which developed in2004, is a web-based building sustainability assessment and design tool aims at reduce the impact of building industry on the environment. 发展于2004年的建筑可持续性指标,是一个基于网络的建筑可持续性评估体系,它的设计工具旨在降低建筑工业对于环境的影响。
Abstract The author has been working at Grid Frame Design and Production Line One for a long period, and has designed a software design tool catering to the design phases and requirements of a grid frame factory. 作者长期工作于网架设计、产第一线,根据网架工厂设计阶段的需要编制了一套工具软件。
Once the screen is defined, metadata is exported from the design tool that describes all of the controls on the newly created panel. 面板定义好后,设计工具将输出描述了面板上所有部件信息的元数据。